@ PHOTO IS:RAEL from November 2021, 17 – 27
@ Daniel Rowing Centre, Hayarkon Park, Tel Aviv- Yafo, Israel
A contemporary, visual examination of the definition of HOME
FINDING HOME reveals a personal look into the timeline of Martina and Adi whose comprehension of HOME significantly has changed by travel, time and love. In this context the notion of HOME has been interpretated more as a transformative force rather than a place.
The art work consists of motion and still photography. By means of slide projections the art video FINDING HOME has emerged which treasures analogue photography as much as it celebrates digital still photography. As representatives of an analogue generation – the last of its kind – Martina and Adi are inviting us on a time lapse through their universe, full of visual density and intimacy.
Two fine art photographs and the art video FINDING HOME will be shown at PHOTO IS:RAEL from November, 17 – 27 at Daniel Rowing Centre, Hayarkon Park, Tel Aviv- Yafo, Israel.
This exhibition is a collaboration between PHOTO IS:RAEL and the Swiss Organization JETZT KUNST, and features the works of 13 Israeli and 11 Swiss photographers as they present their interpretation of “home”. The artists reflected on their childhood, their nearby surroundings and their personal and political understanding of this wide-reaching term and all it contains. The home appears in the exhibition in various forms, including one’s homeland and the changes it has undergone over time, the body as home, familial relationships and the home as a fortress and a refuge. Switzerland and Israel are such very different places – in terms of their weather, landscapes, culture, norms and traditions – and yet, there are obvious similarities in the spectrum of emotions elicited by the idea of home: Loneliness and longing, love and peacefulness, contentment and ambition.
The Swiss art fund JETZT KUNST, which coordinates open-air exhibitions, is dedicated to the promotion of culture and the exchange and presentation of artistic knowledge through exhibitions, meet-ups and intercultural curricula. This joint exhibition is part of the “CREATIVE EXCHANGE” initiative, which was created to foster dialogue between cultures through photography and video.
Tomer Asayag, Hilla Vonsover Garti, Ido Halevy, Oshri Hayun, Gabriel Leitner, Rivka Hillel Lavian, Elio Nudelman, Simone Spak Safran, Tally Ratzker, Lior Kish-Shaul, Nora Tarcic, Jacqueline Telem, Elinor Volnerman, Niels Ackermann, Nicolas Brodard, Désirés Good, Hans Peter Jost, Anna Gabriel Jürgens, Kostas Maros, Andri Pol, Ursula Sprecher, Martina Strul, Alfio Tommasini, Mara Troug
Ya’ara Raz Haklai and Rolf Zumstein
Photo Is:rael Exhibitions Photo Is:rael NOV 2021
Martina Strul
12. November 2021
slide film projection
motion still pictures
finding home
Video Art
digital photography
art piece
slide projection
analog digital
analog photography
slide film
Fine Art Photography
analoge Fotografie
Fine Art